I.S.K.S grades
The use of the ISKS as a vehicle for ratification/award of gradings is part of the role of the Shihankai. Once a fellow is in place he only need use the ISKS when his next grade is due or when application of a sho-go is made. However, some of our fellows have kindly allowed their own senior students to apply and join.
Any senior student of an existing fellow should not be awarded any future grade by the ISKS technical committee without having the written permission of the Chief Instructor, if s/he is currently in fellowship. If however, an individual in fellowship breaks away from his Chief Instructor who is an existing fellow, and wishes to use the ISKS for future grades, then a letter of acceptance from the individual's former Chief Instructor would be required. Once that Chief Instructor has awarded their student his next grade, it is acceptable for that individual, if already in fellowship, to apply to the I.S.K.S for ratification of the same without written permission from their Chief Instructor.
Any individual external to the I.S.K.S may apply when their chief instructor is not in fellowship but only after recommendation or invite by an existing fellow. They may apply without written authority from their current Chief Instructor. However, it is only after an individual karate-ka is accepted into fellowship that any further grading or award may be considered by the ISKS Technical Committee.
Grading Requirements
5th Dan: Minimum requirement for entry to ISKS Fellowship. The Dan grade must be from a group or individual acceptable to the ISKS, with 5 years between 4th and 5th Dan. The applicant must be over 30 years of age.
6th Dan: Applicant must have 6 years between the grades of 5th to 6th Dan. The Dan grade must be from either a group or individual acceptable to the ISKS or alternatively from the ISKS Technical Committee. The applicant must be over 36 years of age.
7th Dan: Applicant must have 7 years between the grades of 6th to 7th Dan. The Dan grade must be from either a group or individual acceptable to the ISKS or alternatively from the ISKS Technical Committee. The applicant must be over 43 years of age.
8th Dan: Applicant must have 8 years between the grades of 7th to 8th Dan. The Dan grade must be from either a group or individual acceptable to the ISKS or alternatively from the ISKS Technical Committee. The applicant must be over 51 years of age.
9th Dan: Applicant must have 9 years between the grades of 7th to 8th Dan. The Dan grade must be from either a group or individual acceptable to the ISKS or alternatively from the ISKS Technical Committee. The applicant must be over 60 years of age.
10th Dan: Awarded only by the ISKS 10 years after the award of 9th Dan.